Race for America is an initiative that focuses on spotlighting the history, culture, and impact of racial minorities in the United States. You will be able to access free content (an established Google Drive filled with historical, political, and social resources) and learn about important historical facts on how these racial groups have contributed to American history. We will also create interactive timelines and infographics to learn more about the journey and the race for America.
African-American History
Slavery Around the World
1619: Arrival of Africans
Post- Revolutionary War
Rise of Civil War Tensions
Beginning of Jim Crow
Civil Rights Era
Post-Civil Rights
Slavery Around the World
1619: Arrival of Africans
Post- Revolutionary War
Rise of Civil War Tensions
Beginning of Jim Crow
Civil Rights Era
Post-Civil Rights
Key Legislation that Influenced the African-American/Black Community
Resources to Check Out
Maryland Historical Society: Guide to African American Sources
Teaching Medieval Slavery and Captivity
By period
Check out our digital library. We have primary sources and memoirs written by African Americans during their time in the United States. Click here to access it.
Maryland Historical Society: Guide to African American Sources
Teaching Medieval Slavery and Captivity
By period
Check out our digital library. We have primary sources and memoirs written by African Americans during their time in the United States. Click here to access it.